
AI Demand Forecasting Platform
Activate Empower Optimize your Shopify Store revenue with our AI-Powered Demand Forecasting Platform

Elevating Your Store’s Revenue with AI-Powered Demand Prediction. Predicting Product Demand by Analyzing Previous Sales, Marketing Spend, Seasonal Peaks, Supplier Delivery Times, and Costs.

Why Choose Us

Demand Planning

Our AI-driven demand planning SaaS solution utilizes specialized machine learning models to forecast demand and project future revenue. This empowers you to allocate resources efficiently towards the most profitable products while maintaining optimal inventory levels.

🌀 Predict demand with historical sales, marketing spending, holidays, and supplier performance.

🌀 What-If Analysis for Future Demand Insights.

🌀 Categorize Products into ABC Classes, Prioritizing High-Performing and Profitable Items.

🌀 Generative AI Copilot aids in demand analysis, optimizing inventory decisions.

Why Choose Us

Supplier & Purchase Order Management

Optimize supplier and purchase order management with forecxtIQ. Streamline operations by overseeing supplier info, purchase orders, and delivery tracking. Stay ahead with KPI management for peak efficiency and performance.

Why Choose Us

Back Order Management

ForecxtIQ guarantees no missed sales from inventory shortages. Empower customers with effortless reordering, reducing churn and boosting revenue. Seamlessly handle back orders for uninterrupted business flow and continuous sales.

Why Choose Us

Product Management & Stock Alert

Effortlessly manage product information such as safety stock and holding costs for precise stock demand forecasting. Customize stock alert notifications according to set thresholds, ensuring timely updates on low stock levels for proactive actions.