
How to upload order history in ForecxtIQ

Order History Upload

Shopify orders up to the past 3 months are automatically synced to ForecxtIQ, which will be considered for demand forecasting. 

Here are the following steps to upload the Order History:

  • Go to Settings and click on the Data Upload menu from the navigation menu bar on the screen’s left side.
  • Now Download the Order History Upload Template file to comply with the Order History Upload format
  • Key Data Format Consideration of the upload file
    -Please upload a comma(,) separated CSV file.
    -Date Format: YYYY/MM/DD
    -You can upload up to 50,000 order histories. (If orders exceed 50,000, only the latest orders up to 50,000 will be considered).
    -For files larger than 5MB, please contact to assist with the upload.
  • Now click on the Upload File Button to upload the Order History file.
    Note: To upload older order history, please provide the order history in CSV format


  • After hitting the Upload button, the Data Upload Log appears below.