
How to manage Supply in ForecxtIQ

Supply Management

  • Select the Supplier menu from the left navigation menu. (A supplier dashboard screen will appear on the right side of the navigation menu).
  • Now Click the Add Supplier button at the screen’s top right corner. (A dialog box will appear on the screen)
  • Fill in all the details in the text field and hit the Add Supplier button.
  • You will see the supplier is added in the form of a list in the dashboard.
  • Add products the supplier can supply, and also maintain key attributes such as the purchase cost of the product from the supplier and the lead time required to deliver the product from the supplier. These attributes will aid in demand forecasting using AI ForecxtIQ Models. (Note-A product can have multiple Suppliers)
  • Based on the purchasing cost and lead time maintained for a product across suppliers, an average purchase cost and lead time are calculated at the product level.